2022 - The Year of Unity, Love & Relationships
2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 6 6 = Vision and Acceptance Chakra: Heart – Through the clarity of mind, innocence and purity of heart the visionary can truly SEE. Arising from the heart of creation comes wisdom. When we get in touch and in tune with our heart all our relationships and dilemmas are resolved. In Sanskrit this chakra is Anahata (meaning) “unstuck” "unhurt". Element: Air Sense: Touch 2 - Co-operation & Balance (chakra) heart, (quality) the great balancer. Be in the centre of your own sacredness and love yourself, look into your eyes in the mirror and smile, it’s contagious + 0 - Inner Gifts of Sensitivity - (chakra) brow Intuitive higher senses & seeing the bigger picture. Embody your integrity & wisdom to be and live the greater potential of who you are. + 2 - Co-operation & Balance (chakra) heart, (quality) the great balancer. Be centred, love yourself enough to self care, consciously parent yourself, choose happiness and gratitude + 2 - Co-operation & Balance (chakra) heart, (quality) the great balancer. Invite kindness and compassion into yourself and the words you choose to speak from the heart. Be open-hearted. What is significant for this embodied numerology message is the presence of the triple 2! With a triple 2 in 2022, the power of 3 brings a sense of magic, completion, wholeness and sacredness. An access point or a portal opens within this 3D world and as 2022 arrives, a new beginning is emerging. Ensure you are imagining it as if it is happening now and continue to morph your outcomes, as new insights come to you. Last year I spoke of the 1000 year cycle which commenced in 2000. The vibratory frequency of number 2 (the heart chakra), has been leading us since then. For a period of 100 years, of which 78 years remain; 0 (the brow chakra), follows the number 2. 0 magnifies the energy to see the bigger picture, to gain higher wisdom and utilize the inner gifts of sensitivity. Almost everyone currently on the planet will live out their lives with both these energetic influences ever present! Humanity has the opportunity each day to reach beyond the dichotomy of past mindsets, which have perpetuated separation within us from deeper connections in every way. Prepare for the Heart Activation! The heart chakra presents a fourth time (including the number 6), adding to the qualities of vision and acceptance and the potential of anchoring and materializing what's in each heart. The perfect pairing partner to the brow’s (0) I sense this quaternion means, in a centred and grounded heart, the new year we are entering, has 4 feet or 4 stabilizing roots to the tree of life of your soul. If you have done the work or are doing it, tremendous inner growth is underway. A healthy heart flourishes when it is supported by all 3 lower chakras functioning well. These 4 roots may also represent the 4 directions, assisting you to easily detect balance and flow spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Through you love is embodied and flows freely into mother earth, deep into her centre core. Anchor your energy to earth, breath in, feel grounded and solid, let your spine lengthen towards the crown, feel supported and backed-up. Focus on a harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life.
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Marie Müller, Director of the Psychosomatic Therapy College. Trainer & Facilitator of Integrative Health & Psychsomatic Therapy. Archives
January 2024