What is Psychosomatic Therapy
Psychosomatic Therapy is the process between the psyche (mind) and soma (the body) that we live in. Body-mind communication exists within us every moment of our life, inside us and our awareness of our reactions outside us. This results in behaviours and attitudes through a lifetime of experience and our interaction with others. The cellular memory created within the body internally, effects the mental emotional and physical structure of the body formation and its actions and reactions, externally.
The release of past redundant and restrictive patterns held in the physical structure by cellular memory in body tissue are replaced by correcting posture, improving body condition, physical shape and the desired psychological attitudes, through experiential practice. The three keys to the Psychosomatic process are focus, balance and structure. These three keys |
are the cornerstone of life itself. Each psychosomatic process creates an atmosphere of centering the mind and bringing balance in behaviour which results in improved performance, self confidence and stability.
Through this process the relationship between the language of the body-mind becomes revealed. This 'language' through body chemistry, recognises no nationality or doctrine. The soul seeks only to awaken within the human body, feelings of love, compassion and understanding to be experienced as a good healthy life.
Medical science has taken quantum steps to eliminate disease from our lives and prevent further diseases. Psychosomatic Therapy and Body-Mind Analysis seeks to bring our awareness to those areas of the Body-Mind where we can eliminate the stress, tension and psychosomatic discomfort before they become disease and also assist medical science in its process of cure by eliminating the source.
Psychosomatic Therapy compliments other alternative modalities. Students can enrol in Certificate III, IV and Diploma government-accredited courses in Australia and Canada. Individuals with qualifications in Psychosomatic Therapy can work in a variety of clinical settings, the fitness industry and psychology-based professions.
Through this process the relationship between the language of the body-mind becomes revealed. This 'language' through body chemistry, recognises no nationality or doctrine. The soul seeks only to awaken within the human body, feelings of love, compassion and understanding to be experienced as a good healthy life.
Medical science has taken quantum steps to eliminate disease from our lives and prevent further diseases. Psychosomatic Therapy and Body-Mind Analysis seeks to bring our awareness to those areas of the Body-Mind where we can eliminate the stress, tension and psychosomatic discomfort before they become disease and also assist medical science in its process of cure by eliminating the source.
Psychosomatic Therapy compliments other alternative modalities. Students can enrol in Certificate III, IV and Diploma government-accredited courses in Australia and Canada. Individuals with qualifications in Psychosomatic Therapy can work in a variety of clinical settings, the fitness industry and psychology-based professions.
Psychosomatic Therapy consultation with Hermann Muller

Hermann is now available on the Gold Coast for individual consultations. Choose from one of the following ..
- A full 'Body-Mind Analysis' with written reports and worksheets. (You may record your session if you wish). Case history and disclaimer forms are to be completed by the client.
Session time: 2 and a half hours - Psychosomatic Consultation for analysis of your body mind condition in terms of general health, relationships and mental and emotional issues, or Life Purpose Consultation or Spiritual Guidance, or Psychosomatic induced diseases.
Session time: 1 and a half hours - Stress and Emotional Release Body Work with Centre Core energy balancing.
Session time: 1 and a half hours - Face Reading and Personality Profiling
Session time: 1 hr
AIBMAPT (Australasian Institute of Body-Mind Analysis and Psychosomatic Therapy)
is an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) delivering accredited trainings in Psychosomatic Therapy.
AIBMAPT is recognised by the Canadian Examining Board of Natural Therapy Practitioners Inc. in Canada.
Psychosomatic Therapy is a listed and recognised modality by AON Australia and Therapist Insurance in Canada